Thirdson, thats a very professional looking deck; i'm impressed- you must be handy to have around
termite 35
JoinedPosts by termite 35
What Do You Do Besides JWD?
by pettygrudger inwith so many new ones, and not so new ones, its kinda hard to get to know people.
i'm just wondering, what do you like to do besides post on the jwd discussion board?.
me, during the spring - fall months like my yard & gardening.
What Do You Do Besides JWD?
by pettygrudger inwith so many new ones, and not so new ones, its kinda hard to get to know people.
i'm just wondering, what do you like to do besides post on the jwd discussion board?.
me, during the spring - fall months like my yard & gardening.
termite 35
Time's tight but I read alot, ride horses and bikes (cycling) go running, go to the pubthere's alot of live music around here too (in the pub again) and try to find some inspiration to start the art (and the essays) at midnight.Like going to polo too (horses)
Hi ((Ballistic)) I've just got rid of my television; i'll let you know if I suffer from any withdrawl symptoms
Poetry :(
by NEWWORLDSLACKER indo any of you find that writing helps you cope ?
but i think mine suck..... .
share yours if your comfortable with doing so , i would love to read them.. but here goes one o mine ....sorry in advance :.
termite 35
I really enjoyed reading those-much better than mine I find it heIps me when i'm too down to speak to anyone- wrote this today for someone who's hand i'd like to hold .
I'm happiest joined to your hands
they lead me after you
your fingers wrapped protectively
your body blocking my view -
of all in life I fear and dread; instinctively you knew.
So, i'm happiest joined to your hands
because they're joined to you.
What Sort Of Brit Would you Be? Quiz.
by Englishman ini'm like mr. bean!.
termite 35
I am Prince Charles
Are there any young folks who are sincere JWs?
by Spudinator ini'm closer to middle-age so that is why the question is posed; so those that are younger or really know some younger jws very well can give an older codger some insight.. i hear a lot of grumbling among those of my generation that the new kids just don't seem to get it.
("it" being the "truth.
") is this really the case for the vast majority?
termite 35
Hi; if that's true, it's a really interesting statistic .
The WTBS says becoming one of Jehovahs witnesses is dependant on three things; being honest, humble and hungry.
Until you posses all these qualities, they say, you will not be ready for a bible study- they are employing an adversising technique that 'sets people up' for the future as customers-giving them an ideal to aspire to which keeps them thinking about the product.
They do something similar as the countries with the agressive cigarette advertising,making people aspire to a life style they think they want, the only difference is glamour and sophistication is replaced in the WTBS's advertising for eternal life and approval from God; a release from what for many, is a very hard life
Also they reinforce that the people targetted are the oppressed as they will find it easy to identify them selves with the opressed groups within the bible and the religion that is being 'persecuted'
Dos'nt the bible say somewhere'...what you were persuaded to believe..'?
sounds like the early Christians were employing effective, persistant and agressive advertising too
(((((Group Hug)))))
by LittleToe inthere's been too much volatile stuff going around, and a few folks appear tetchy.. can we drop any issues, and just enjoy a ((((group hug)))) for a moment.... ((((hugs to everyone)))).
love you guys.
coz regardless of the ups and downs, this place is a little like the family i lost.... sometimes i need to take a step back, have a break and some quiet time, but that's ok, too.. every blessing to everyone,.
termite 35
(((((((((HI everyone))))))))))) room for one more? I could use one tonight
I will show you mine, show me your... motorcycle
by jayhawk1 in.
i hope i can get this picture to attach, but here is my motorcycle.
come on, and show me your's or your dream bike.
termite 35
I used to have a GT 380 like this- but better- of course! I love the low lean-weights-I'm really missing having one at the moment- perhaps Gadget will let me ride his new one
I will show you mine, show me your... motorcycle
by jayhawk1 in.
i hope i can get this picture to attach, but here is my motorcycle.
come on, and show me your's or your dream bike.
I need advice quick...and a hug.
by dmouse ini'm in a bit of a state at the moment, my wife has just left me about 30 mins ago and took the kids...i don't know where.... ok, some of you long-timers may remember the problems i had with my son ben, who decided that the jw religion wasn't for him about a year ago.
i supported him as best i could through that and he's developed into a fine young man with a more healthy spiritual attitude, investigationg a number of christian churches in the area and finally settled on church of england, which he really likes now.. although no longer a christian myself i have no objection to them pursuing whatever religious path they choose (obviously within reason).
that has been the case with all of my children: ben, 15, charlotte, 14 and chloe, 12. i have never attempted to stop my wife taking them to the meetings although i have voiced to them privately my concerns about the religion.
termite 35
(((Dean))) I hope things are calmer'v e had so much good advice- I think too, that you should stay in the house...
As for your wife, she probably panicked at the thought of another of her children not wanting to follow the course she's planned and hoped for them in her mind..(remember that she thinks their eternal life is at stake here...we probably all acted irrationally at some stage when we were 'in')
But I hope she'll realise that the way she behaves was wrong- and calm down when future disapointments come up.... the comment about advice she may be getting is spot on...I used to recieve advice on how to 'get rid of' my husband all the 'rights ' etc - even offers of help from the congregatin as a whole- offers of financial, emotional and legal support.she'll have had them too....
im going through similar stuff at the moment, though without the jw twist now-if you want to pm or email- please do...
I can't do it anymore.
by Gadget inpeople who've been reading my posts will know i've been trying to get reinstated so i can get back together with my girlfriend/fiance.
the more time goes on, the less i feel able to do that.
all the things i hear from the platform, and the things that elders have said to me just reinforce the fact that i want nothing at all to do with this organisation anymore.
termite 35
(((Gadget))) i'm sorry that all this is happening to you. It's a lot to cope with, and when you feel responsible for someone else's happiness makes it so much harder to walk away from a relationship.
You have done so much to make sure your g/f is looked after and cared for personally and professionally; you should feel proud of yourself. You've done so much for her, and this maybe your final act of kindness. As others have said you owe it to be honest and can't really have a good start in a marriage with all these problems stacked against you.
I think perhaps the timing is just unfortunate...who knows...? in a while she may come to the same conclusions as you and you may get together in the future. As long as she is undecided and a little confused you'll have the continual pull of the org and your own concience-which makes life so difficult.
Could you perhaps suggest that you meet up in, say, 1 year's time and see whats going on in your lives then?
maybe when you ar'nt so accessible she may take more responsibility for her own beliefs and will try to sort herself out, that way there's no pressure for her to be at your stage she's got more searching to do...and things to sort out...
At least then it softens the blow a little which will ease your mind and allows you some time to get yourself used to all the changes that you're making too.
hope the call went ok...